
Brenda Nevidjon MSN, RN, FAAN

CEO, Oncology Nursing Society

Brenda Nevidjon, RN, MSN, FAAN, has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Oncology Nursing Society for seven years. Her career has included clinical, academic, and executive positions in oncology and general health care settings. She was the first nurse and the first women to be chief operating officer of Duke University Hospital. Immediately before joining ONS as chief executive Brenda was a professor of nursing at the Duke School of Nursing.

Through diverse clinical and administrative experiences in Canada, Switzerland, Seattle and Durham, North Caroling, Brenda has devoted her energy to bridging practice settings and academic environments to advance patient care, creating innovative work environments, promoting scholarship in practitioners, and developing leaders. She has published and presented extensively on clinical and leadership topics.

Her bachelors’ degree is from Duke University, her master’s from the University of North Carolina, and she has taken doctoral studies at the Fielding Graduate Institute and Duke School of Nursing. Among her honors, she received the Honorary Recognition Award from the American Nurses Association and is a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing.
