
Eleanor Miller MSN, RN, OCN

Manager, Oncology Nurse Navigation, Abramson Cancer Center, Penn Medicine

Eleanor Miller is a passionate patient and nurse advocate, as she serves as the manager of nurse navigation and neuro-oncology nurse navigator at Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center. By wearing multiple hats (as nurses do), she is able to couple the needs and insight from direct patient care while supporting program and professional development at Penn and beyond. Eleanor and her team focus on efforts related to system-wide multidisciplinary treatment planning with a focus on care coordination, facilitating access to care and identifying barriers that interfere with obtaining care. She prioritizes relationship building and continued learning, and her leadership style is supportive, positive, and energetic. She’s had the opportunity to precept many graduate nursing students in a navigation clinical and write and present nationally on topics in navigation, education, and process improvements. Eleanor earned her MSN and BSN from Thomas Jefferson University, and a BS in Biology from Penn State University. Her navigation team proudly received the ONS 2018 Team Achievement Award and 2019 Oncology Navigation Summit Honorable Mention for Outstanding Oncology Navigation Program.
